Here are some of the most common questions parents ask. Feel free to ask questions. These are not all the possible questions we get faced with everyday. Remember we have your experience multiplied by a thousand. We have seen every imaginable situation with children. You can take advantage of this wealth of knowledge and experience.

1. Should I enroll my child part time and then full time to make the transition to preschool easier?

Children are extremely adaptable so this doesn't make much difference. On the contrary the longer they spend with us the quicker they will adapt to school life. A child who attends two half days will take eight times longer than a child who attends full time. So if you have to work and need child care, put them in full immediately so the learning curve both for your child and yourself is fast and efficient. Of course you still prepare your child for school by talking to them about it.

2. How long will my child take to get used to school?

Anywhere from 2-3 weeks for full time students and 6-8 weeks for part time students. This is a natural process. Because the mother child bond is especially strong, this particularly hard on mothers. The best strategy is to let go. Your child needs to learn independence. If they don't learn this they will find it very difficult to handle life as an adult and will constantly depend on you the parent. Don't create a dependence situation due to your own weaknesses. Give them hugs and spend quality time with them, but when it comes to school you have to be firm and fair.

3. My child cries like they are being sent to a torture chamber as we approach the school. Is this Normal?

This is natural and happens with nearly 80% of kids who start preschool. Yes it's heart breaking and very difficult to watch. The best way to cope with this is through proper preparation. Do a trial run to the school before the actual start date. Always pick and drop of your kids at the exact same time. If you are ten minutes late your child will get worried. Yes they can't tell the time, but they can feel time. If you are going to be late even fifteen minutes, call the school and tell them that you are running late so that they can prepare your child. Don't be late to school. It's embarrassing to your child. Talk to other parents and ask them how they dealt with this. Cry. Shed a tear. It's OK.

4. At what age should I start preschool for my child?

The earlier the better. We have parents who have no choice but to put their child in preschool at age two because they have to go to work. Contrary to popular belief we find these children are some of the most emotionally stable and academically proficient children we have at the school. Then we have other children who start 2 days per week at age four who go through a very difficult time adjusting. Many of these parents wanting to spend as much time with their kids during their formative years have unintentionally spoilt them. Sometimes these kids go into incredible rages, will not share things with other children and will either become a bully or hide under the desk because they are not used to other kids. So it's up to you.




5. What's the most important thing that children learn in preschool?

Social skills. No matter how good you are as a parent, a school setting will teach your child how to interact with others, share things and make friends. Without this essential skill, your child can get a PhD in biochemistry but will NOT be a success in his/her career or relationships. Preschool will teach your child the complex process of interacting with people, build empathy and caring for others. We strongly believe that children become better people at school.

6. My child goes to school for 2 half days per week, but she still cries after three months. What should I do and is this normal?

Some children are more sensitive than others and will need more time to adapt. This is especially true of first time parents who might stay home to bond with the child. The bond becomes so strong, especially with getting too attached to their children, that both of them have trouble letting go. Consider enrolling the child full time because this will give the school more time to work with her. The longer she spends at the school, the more time she will have to get used to it. School will then become her home so to speak and going home will become a break to rest. No she will not forget you. I fact the bond often becomes stronger especially between mother and child.